Equation Changing Syntax

This document covers the syntax for making modifications to an existing model held in memory.

A simple example

Given an existing model, m1, the following example creates a copy of the model with the addition/modification of the equation labeled :technology.

m2 = deepcopy(m1)
@equations m2 begin
    :technology => log(A[t]) = λ * log(A[t-1]) + ea[t] + ea[t+1]
sssolve!(m2; method=:auto)

The above example follows these four steps.

  1. Make a copy of the model using deepcopy.
  2. Make changes to the model as required. This can be done in a series of @variables, @logvariables, @neglogvariables, @steadystatevariables, @exogenous, @shocks, @autoexogenize, @steadystate, and @equations blocks.
    1. Note that new @steadystate criteria must be added after the call to @reinitialize.
  3. Reinitialize the model with @reinitialize. Changes to an initialized model must always be completed with a call to @reinitialize.
  4. Solve the steadystate of the model with sssolve!.

Removing model properties

@delete can be used inside any of the model construction macros to remove an existing variable/equation/etc. When removing equations and steadystate equations, the equation key must be used (without the :). When removing autoexogenize pairs, the entire pair must be defined with an implication arrow (=>).


@equations m begin
    @delete _EQ188 _EQ189
@variables m @delete c
@shocks m begin
    @delete c_shk
@autoexogenize m begin
    @delete A => ea

The @delete macro works at the level of the line within a block. This means that new variables can be defined in the same @variables block as the one which removes variables.


@variables model begin
    @delete c
    d; e; f

Defining equations with keys

The arrow implication, => is used within the equations block to define a named key for the given equation. The key is optional. For example, the block below contains both named and unnamed equations.

@equations model begin
    @log 1/(C[t]) = β * (1 / (C[t+1]*(1+g))) * (r[t+1]+1-δ)
    @log (L[t])^γ = w[t] / C[t]
    :rates => @log r[t] = α * A[t] * (K[t-1]/(1+g)) ^ (α-1) * (L[t]) ^ (1-α)
    :wages => @log w[t] = (1-α) * A[t] * (K[t-1]/(1+g)) ^ α * (L[t]) ^ (-α)
    K[t] + C[t] = A[t] * (K[t-1]/(1+g)) ^ α * (L[t]) ^ (1-α) + (1-δ) * (K[t-1]/(1+g))
    :technology => log(A[t]) = λ * log(A[t-1]) + ea[t]
    dlA[t] = log(A[t]) - log(A[t-1])
end # equations

Equations without an explicit key will receive one following an __EQ# template. For example, printing the equations from the above block would result in this output:

  :_EQ1       => @log 1 / C[t] = β * ((1 / (C[t + 1] * (1 + g))) * ((r[t + 1] + 1) - δ))
  :_EQ2       => @log L[t] ^ γ = w[t] / C[t]
  :rates      => @log r[t] = α * (A[t] * ((K[t - 1] / (1 + g)) ^ (α - 1) * L[t] ^ (1 - α)))
  :wages      => @log w[t] = (1 - α) * (A[t] * ((K[t - 1] / (1 + g)) ^ α * L[t] ^ -α))
  :_EQ5       => K[t] + C[t] = A[t] * ((K[t - 1] / (1 + g)) ^ α * L[t] ^ (1 - α)) + (1 - δ) * (K[t - 1] / (1 + g))
  :technology => log(A[t]) = λ * log(A[t - 1]) + ea[t]
  :_EQ7       => dlA[t] = log(A[t]) - log(A[t - 1])

When running an @equations macro on and exitsting model, all unnamed equations are added to the model. Named equations will replace existing equations with the same name, if any, and will be added otherwise.

Finding equation keys

Equation keys are automatically assigned to equations without an explicit key. The findequations(model, symbol) function can be used to find the keys for the equations in the model which contain the given symbol.

findequations function.

Replacing linked parameters

It is possible to have parameters in a model which use the @link macro to link to a different model. For example, the FRBUS module could have both a main model and a sattelite model. In this case, modifying FRBUS would entail making a copy m2 = deepcopy(FRBUS.model) and then using the above function to make changes. Similarly, modifying the sattelite model would entail making a copy m2sattelite = deepcopy(FRBUS.sattelitemodel), and then using the above functions with this model.

However, if there are any parameters in m2sattelite which reference parameters in FRBUS.model, this would still reference the original model. There are two approaches to fixing this:

The macro @replaceparameterlinks can be used to replace existing links with an alternative one. The syntax is @replaceparameterlinks model orig_reference => new_reference. For example:

m2 = deepcopy(FRBUS.model)
m2sattelite = deepcopy(FRBUS.sattelitemodel)
@replaceparameterlinks m2sattelite FRBUS.model => m2
@reinitialize m2sattelite

This would systematically replace references to the former with the latter in the provided pair. For example, a parameter p1 = @link FRBUS.model.p1 would become p1 = @link m2.p1.

Replacing a _parent parameter instead.

Another approach is to the same issue requires changing the models themselves to use an intermediate parameter instead. For example, the FRBUS.sattelitemodel could have the following @parameters block:

@parameters sattelitemodel begin
    _parent = @link FRBUS.model
    p1 = @link _parent.p1

The replacements in m2sattelite could then be done relatively simply with:

@parameters m2sattelite begin
    _parent = @link m2
@reinitialize m2sattelite

In this case, all paramters linking to _parent will subsequently evaluate to the correct model.